"Telp keluargamu, mereka metrindukanmy"

Ini Pertanyaan Yang Dapat Dijawab Cortana Windows

cortana wp 81Apakah Cortana itu? Dia adalah voice assistant pengganti Bing search di Windows Phone 8.1. Mirip dengan Siri dan Google Now. Cortana mengumpulkan informasi dari data lokasi, perilaku, informasi data diri, reminder dan informasi kontak. Bila penggua mensinkronkan data, maka Cortana dapat juga mengenali karakter anda di perangkat Windows lain, misalnya di PC dan laptop.

Baru-baru ini daftar pustaka pertanyaan yang dimiliki Cortana, bocor ke publik.

“Call Mom”

“Call on speakerphone”

“Call at home”

“Call , mobile”

“Call ”

“Text ”

“Message Dad”

“Text on my way”

“Put dentist appointment on my calendar tomorrow”

“Change my 3 PM appointment to 4”

“What do I have next?”

“Add surfing at the beach for Saturday”

“When calls, remind me to say congratulations”

“Remind me to buy fresh fruit tomorrow”

“Remind me to water the plants when I get home”

“Next time I’m at the grocery store, remind me to buy eggs”

“Remind me to pick up the dry cleaning when I leave work”

“Take a note”

“Note: left my car on level 4”

“Take a note: find birdwatching book for Dad’s birthday”

“Wake me up at 6 AM”

“Set an alarm for 5:45 AM”

“Turn on my 3 PM alarm”

“Wake me up in 20 minutes”

“Play ”

“Put on ”

“Play ”

“Start playing ”

“Show me a map of 123 Main Street”

“How far to the Grand Canyon?”
“Is there a Starbucks near me?”

“What’s traffic like on the way to work?”

“Is it hot in Rio de Janeiro?”

“Will it rain this weekend?”

“Do I need an umbrella?”

“What’s the weather right now?”

“What’s the forecast for next week?”

“Show me today’s headlines”

“What’s the latest news about the President?”

“What are the top stories?”

“Who is the tallest woman in the world?”

“Who is the president of Finland?”

“Show me events nearby”

“Convert 60 dollars to yen”

“How are the US markets doing?”

“What’s the value of Microsoft stock?”

“Find recipes for clam chowder”

“Look for breakfast burrito recipes”

“How many calories in a cucumber?”

“How many carbs in a blueberry muffin?”

“Find Angry Birds apps”

“Wake me up at 7 AM”

“Wake me up in 20 minutes”

“Schedule camping for Friday through Sunday”

“Put dancing on my calendar from 6 to 7 PM”

“What am I doing next week?”
“What do I have this afternoon?”

“Move my next meeting out by 30 minutes”

“How did the Asian markets do?”

“Find recipes for ants on a log”

“Look for butternut squash recipes”

“Get me cat videos”

“Find a library”

“Get me directions to Times Square”

“Show me highly rated restaurants nearby”

“Find cheap restaurants that are open right now”

“Find nearby bars”

“Will MOMA be open on Monday?”

“Where am I?”

“Remind me to pick up the dry cleaning”

“Remind me to water the plants when I get home”

“Next time I’m at Home Depot, remind me to pick up paint samples”

“Is it cold in Moscow right now?”

“Will it be sunny in Paris tomorrow?”

“Is it going to rain this week?”

“Do I need a coat?”

Agar Cortana memahami pertanyaan anda, seperti juga Siri dan Google Now, pengguna harus menggunakan grammar bahasa Inggris dengan baik.

via wmpoweruser


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